Recycling Centre & Service Shop
The main services provided by the Service Shop are combine chain assembly, lawn mowing, and recycling.
Combine Chain Assembly
We assemble combine feeder and elevator chains for A & I Products Altona. Bolt packages are also prepared and packaged which accompany the chains for installation purposes.
Lawn Mowing
The Blue Sky Opportunities provides lawn care services to many local businesses as well as private homes.
Blue Sky Opportunities provides curbside recycling pick-up service for the town of Altona, and the village of Rosenfeld, as well as regular pickups at recycling depots in some surrounding communities. We also provide weekly cardboard pick-up service from local businesses. Within town of Altona limits, residential curbside pick-up of household recyclable items (not E-waste) is set up to coincide with the town's garbage collection schedule. Blue bins should be placed at the curbside by 7:30 a.m. on the morning of collection day to ensure pick-up. For information on collection dates for your area please refer to the town of Altona Collection Calendar.
We also have a Recycling Drop off Depot, which is located on the North side of our shop at 349 2nd St. NW. Anyone wishing to drop off household recyclables and/or E-waste can do so at the Drop off Depot, which is open 24/7.
If you have recently moved to Altona and do not have a blue bin, contact the Town of Altona, by clicking below.